September 6, 1979

Picture #1 – The corner of Main and North (west side) about 1890. The Democrat Office was upstairs. Eventually it became The Fostoria Daily Times. The corner store then was J.L. Faulhaber Hardware, and next door was the Kentucky Liquor Store. It is the same building that stands there today.

Picture #2 – This photo shows the building that was recent torndown, before it was remodeled and faced with brick, in about 1915.

Picture #3 – Photo taken in approximately 1900, shows Main street during the horse and buggy days looking south from the L.E. Railroad.

Picture #4 – Photo taken in 1918 on World War I Armistice Day, Botto Block, missing in other photo shows here, having been built in 1905. Cars replaced horses and buggies.

Picture #5 – East side of 200 block of North Main Street as it is today.

Picture #6 (missing) – West side of 200 block of North Main Street as it is today.

Time and events change many things. When fire burned North Main Street a couple of years ago I started a story about that area. Before it was finished I had some different thoughts about it…to expand it and include some additional data.

Now, that the first-razed building has been demolished, it seems important to do the story before any other events change the course of events.

The accompanying old photos of that area of Fostoria’s main street in the past will revive memories for many readers, and surprise younger readers and newcomers to Fostoria.

Where the Texaco filling station is now there once stood a row of two story frame buildings, extending to Sandusky Street, where a variety of business establishments were located.

The following list provides a panoramic view of the variety of merchants that lined both sides of the 200 block, starting at North Street. The list also provides the names of the merchants in many instances, in each of four periods of time, starting in 1915 and up to the 1950’s.


200 – E.C. Wilcox, saloon Nick Lienos occupied the sidewalk business, located on North Street beside J.L. Newson Hardware.
201 – J.L. Newson Hardware
202 – Christine M. Siegchrist, Jewelry Store
202 – Corwin Howell, Wallpaper, Paint, Sewing Machines, picture frames, etc.
203 – A.C. “Tony” Dumont – Liquor Store and Saloon
204 – Keller’s Penny Arcade
205 – Harpster’s living quarters
206 – A.R. Smith, Cigars, Tobacco and Confections
208 – H.E. Kimball, Shoes
209 – Jacob Gerlinger – Bakery
210 – John Doll – Liquors, Cigars, Wines
211 – Schaltter Bros. Meat Market
211 1/2 – Dr. E.R. Fast
212 – Lewis and Snougger – Grocery
213 – George Schwab – Saloon


200 – Pete Tsantles Grocery By this time Mr. Fakalos had taken over place previously occupied by Nick Lienos.
201 – J.L. Newson Hardware
202 – Globe Grocery (managed by Glenn Stout)
203 – C.E. Brewer Clothing Co. (C.E. Brewer Mgr.)
205 – Hoyt-Brooks Hardware
206 – Nick Brown’s Shoe Repair
208 – Wear U Well Shoes (J.H. Johnson, Mgr.)
209 – Gerlinger’s Bakery
211 – Shlatter Bros. Meat Market
212 – Charles Allison Barber Shop
213 – F.W. Sauer Saloon
213 1/2 – Dr. E.R. Fast
214 – Ralph Emison Restaurant
217 1/2 – Dr. Nate Hatfield Office


200 – Charles Rossie Grocery By this time Fakalos sold out to Pete Dongas and associated
201 – Park Munger Hardware
202 – Fostoria Lunch (R.C. Turner)
203 – Bert’s Billiards (John R. and Edmond Gaikoski)
203 1/2 – Dr. E.R. Fast (residence)
204 – George S. Banks – Barber
205 – W.A. Jones and Son Hardware
206 Mike L. Brown Shoe Repair
207 – New England Bakery (Anna L. Leutz)
207 1/2 – Dr. E.R. Fast (office)
208 – Louis Steinman – Clothing
209 – Schlatter Bros. Meat Market
211 – Fred Sauer Saloon
214 – John Haman Restaurant


By this time the old row of frame buildings had been demolished on the east side of the street, and the Texaco station had been built, occupying the area it does today.

200 – Texaco Station
201 – Auto Home Store
203 – Bert’s Restaurant
205 – Burson Barber Shop
207 – Home Pastry Shop
209 – Pix Restaurant
211 – Son’s Bar & Grill

Some readers may catch me up and remind me of other businesses located at the various street numbers during the past years. So I will say now, that I can think of others too, but the four periods of history listed does indicate the majority and the changes that have taken place.


I have many memories of that area of Fostoria’s business district, and of some of the merchants and others who conducted their business places there.

Having lived on McDougal Street from the time I was about seven, and since I attended Whittier School on Crocker Street for six years, I traveled much through that area.

I recall taking shoes to Nick Brown’s repair shop, and remember his brothers who worked with him. They later started their own businesses. Nick is still living in Lima.

Recently, Albert Clary, a boyhood friend, now living in Columbus, telephoned when he was visiting in town. We reminisced about Fostoria and thins of the past. One subject was the Globe Grocery Store, mentioned in the above list. Clary worked there for Glenn Stout after school and on weekends. Globe was the first chain grocery store in Fostoria.

Charles Allison, the barber was a friend of our family, and had worked in The Hays House Barber Shop with my father earlier.

Of course I remember those who conducted the business in the glass-enclosed structure on the north side of North Street, next to 201…Lienos, Fakalos and Dongas. You could get a shoe shine for 10 cents…popcorn and peanuts in the shell for 5 cents…Cigars and tobacco for the men.

Then there was the N.E. George family who were involved in the business life of Fostoria. They were in the fruit and vegetable business in more than just the “212” location. They also had a main street restaurant. Their family consisted of Joe, Bob, Abe, and Anne.

How can I forget Gerlinger’s Bakery. Jacob Gerlinger’s wife was friend of my mother. I made many trips to the bakery as a boy for the good things they baked.

And Schlatter’s Meat Market…run by brothers Dan and George…too well known Fostorians. Dan had a son, Richard, who was in the Sunday school class I taught at Presbyterian Church. George had three children, David, Mildred, and George. David and George made high marks in the military. Both are now deceased. Mildred (Chesney) survives in Florida.


George Reber and Clarence Huss took over the meat market from the Schlatters in later years. Huss, the surviving partner still resides on East Tiffin Street and can be seen on the main streets of our town daily.

When The Jones Hardware at 205 went out of business, Howard Timanus came to town from Willard and took over; he was later assisted by his son-in-law, Ken Weeks.

Older readers may remember other doctors located in second story offices on the west side of the 200 block were A.J. Reycraft and E.C. Belt, chiropractor.

I could ramble on in memories of those past years, but I’m sure space is running out…maybe all of this won’t get printed.

Now, I, like my readers, wonder what will happen to the vacant lot that stands as a reminder of good years that helped fill Fostoria’s history in the past, when Main Street was humming with people and business.