November 20, 1980

Picture #1 – Is this a family memorial or official recognition of Civil War veterans?
Picture #2 – Doughboy Monument dedication ceremonies in 1927
When I wrote the story about Veterans Day, I realized that there was more to be told, but I didn’t know where to locate it, even though Harry Stoneberger, a veteran himself, did help me materially. Telephone calls to various persons connected with veterans organizations were either unsuccessful or only partially.
However, after the story appeared in print I received reader response, which resulted in information and photos for today’s article, which hopefully may also untangle the mystery about the GAR Monument…explicitly, who was the donor and help to get an answer for the Gold Star Mothers in regard to the memorial at memorial Stadium.
One of the accompanying photos shows the dedication ceremonies for the Doughboy Monument at Fostoria High School on Nov. 11, 1927, nine years after the signing of the Armistice, ending World War I.
In the foreground of the photo is the FHS Band, directed by Jack Wainwright. Just the edge of the monument that was unveiled that day can be seen in the extreme right of the photo.
Mrs. E.H. Retan, an aged Fostoria Gold Star Mother, unveiled the monument assisted by the Boy Scouts.
Rev. E.C. Nance, Church of Christ, gave the invocation and Mrs. Fred Werner presented the monument to the School Board on behalf of the Service Star Legion War Mothers. Response was by Mayor L.W. Gibson and J.F. Freese, president of the Board of Education.
Rev. J.F. Miller, EUB Church, gave the address for the ceremony, saying “everlasting peace will only be received through the Prince of Peace”.
The photo shows there was a good crowd on hand for the ceremony. Another photo shows a group of Gold Star Mothers who assembled at the Doughboy Monument on another occasion, when it was still at the high school, to place a wreath for Armistice Day ceremonies. The monument was moved to Fountain Cemetery during Ray Coburn’s administration as mayor.
With a magnifying glass, I could only identify two in that photo…Mrs. B.M. Solomon and Mrs. Mowery, mother of Ethel. A third lady appeared to be Mrs. Eger, mother of Vera, but I wasn’t sure. Readers may be able to provide missing names.
Paul…I am writing you about the monument Honor Roll, with all our boys of World War II. Us Gold Star Mothers would like to have it moved from Memorial Stadium to either the park up town, or the cemetery. Where it is now, nobody can see it, or know any of the boys that got killed in service. Whenever we want to put flowers there we have to look up somebody to unlock the gates. We think that if our boys gave their lives and lived in this town, the town should be proud enough to have the honor roll where people can see it, and know the names of the boys. It would have looked nice in tonight’s paper along with the others. Other towns have their honor roll where people can see it. Why can’t we?
Clara Cramer Pulliam 522 N. Poplar St. and other Gold Star Mothers
In a telephone conversation with Mrs. Pulliam later, she said their organization had discussed the moving of the memorial to another location with city officials and also with the school board, but had not gotten any satisfaction.
Perhaps her letter will result in getting the ball moving, and the memorial will be located satisfactorily, at which time we will get a photo for publication in its new location.
The other photo with today’s story is of a monument at Fountain Cemetery, taken by the RT photographer, which is also the subject of a postcard published many years ago, and named The Soldiers Monument at that time.
It is the monument where wreaths are placed by veterans organizations on Memorial Day. I always thought it was a memorial dedicated to the Civil War veterans…and it may be. But, when inspecting the information inscribed on it, I was not sure. It reads: “Presented by Rachael G. Linhart – Dedicated to the Memory of John M., Rachael G., and Helena M. Linhart”.
The Norris Post No. 27 and GAR emblem is also inscribed on the monument, as well as Linhart’s company in the Army.
That information led me to believe it was a family memorial, dedicated to John M. Linhart and others in his family.
Telephone conversations with various persons about town failed to disclose any further data about the monument. The files were also searched at Kaubisch Library and the Seneca County Museum for information, but none was found, other than the obituary from the library files.
Mr. Linhart was born in Allegheny Pa., to Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Linhart Oct. 26, 1841. When a lad of 13, the family moved to Parkersburg, W. V., In 1861, he enlisted in Co. H. Seventh W. Va. Infantry. His service ended at the battle of Antietam in 1862, in which he received a scalp wound, a second bullet cut away his cartridge belt, and another passed through his left wrist. Because his arm did not get attention for a number of days, it was necessary to remove it at the elbow.
Mr. and Mrs. John Linhart lived all their married life at the corner of Union and High Streets.
The Solomon Linhart family settled on the Hoffmaster farm in Hancock County when they came to Ohio. Some readers will recall that the farm is on West independence Road.
Esther Bell Walters, 220 1/2 N. Poplar St., telephoned to say that her brother, Harold Walters was one of those who was on Iwo Jima and was photo- graphed in the celebrated picture taken during World War II, showing the American flag being raised after they took that island from the Japanese.
Had I known that earlier, an attempt would have been made to locate the photo and use it. Sorry! Maybe another time.
Several readers told me the article had acquainted them with data about memorials they had not known.