November 6, 1980

Picture #1 – The plaque on the speakers’ platform at Fountain Cemetery reads, “A Grateful City Pay Tribute to Its Honored Dead”.
Picture #2 – The Doughboy monument
The United States is a young nation, compared with those on other continents, nevertheless it has taken its place among them to help preserve world peace, establish justice and to maintain its own identity and ideals.
That stance had led this nation into a number of military conflicts. Other than the Civil War, fought within our own boundaries, the U.S. has been drawn in to five major conflicts beyond our shores: Spanish-American War, 1898; World War I, 1917; World War II, 1941; Korean War, 1950s, and Vietnam War, 1960s.
Each time this nation has sounded the call to arms, our young men have rallied to defend their country at home and abroad.
In the case of the Vietnam War, many Americans gave their lives for a “political” war, which without question could have been ended quickly if the leaders of our fighting forces had been allowed to use their skill, judgement and the equipment.
On November 11, designated as Veterans Day in the U.S. tribute will again be paid in various ways to soldiers of all branches of the military.
There have been other ways our military men have been honored in the past, for example, Memorial Day, Pensions have been allowed for veterans of some of the wars, but not all. However, those pensions have not been commensurate with the scarifices of those who died, or survives, or the widows and orphans left. Education and rehabilitation programs are another benefit extended to some veterans.
To preserve solidarity, keep patriotism alive, and influence action favorable for our country and its soldiers, there has been established a number of organizations by those who served in them, or by sympathetic supporter.
(1) GAR – Grand Army of the Republic. Non-existent for many years because all members had died. A monument erected in their honor is at Fountain Cemetery.
(2) The USWV – United Spanish War Veterans, organized after that war, in about 1900, locally known as General Poland Camp No. 44. A.H. Blinn was one of the earlier commanders, followed by Joseph Shafer, who held the post for many years.
(3) The American Legion was organized Jan. 22, 1925. Locally it was named Earl Foust Post, in honor of Earl Foust who was the first Fostorian killed in action in France.
(4) The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) W.O. Bulger Post 421, was organized Feb. 21, 1934, and was do named in honor of Lt. Col. W.O. Bulger of the Sixth Infantry Regiment O.V.I. He served in Cuba and also in World War I.
(6) World War I Veterans was organized Feb. 7, 1959, and is exclusively for veterans of that war.
Special honors were bestowed on the various branches of the military, and one of those who are the first from Fostoria to die in action during World War II when the City Council took action in 1947, to name one of the city’s reservoirs for an individual.
The idea for the honor and credit for backing its move through council goes to Harry Stoneberger, 510 E. Jackson St., a World War I veteran, and at that time a Review Times editorial staff member. Before it became an ordinance it was necessary to get the written consent of the parents of those to be so honored, a job which Stoneberger handled too.
Reservoir No. 1 became known as Lake Daugherty, in honor of Eugene Daugherty, of the Navy, who was killed in action, Deb. 7, 1941, while abroad the USS Arizona. His body was never recovered and rests with others on the sunken ship.
Reservoir No. 2 became known as Lake Mottrom, in honor of Charles W. Mottrom, of the Marines, killed in the South Pacific. His body was recovered, and returned and buried in Fountain Cemetery.
Reservoir No. 3 became known as Lake Lamberjack, for Gerald L. Lamberjack of the Army, killed in Africa. His body was returned and buried in Fountain Cemetery.
Reservoir No. 4 became known as Lake Mosier, for William M. Mosier of the Coast Guard. He was killed in the North Atlantic and his body was never recovered from the vessel on which he served.
Reservoir No. 5 became known as Lake LeComte, in honor of Charles E. LeComte, of the Air Force. He was killed in Italy, and his body was returned for burial in Fountain Cemetery.
Stoneberger recalls the comment by Mrs. Mottrom, mother of Charles, upon learning of the council’s plans: “Nothing could be more appropriate than to name reservoir No. 2 Lake Mottrom. It was along its banks that Charles played so much as a boy”. The Mottroms lived near it on West North Street.
No mention was made above of the early patriots who fought to provide freedom from Great Britain, or those who took part in the War of 1812, when this nation was having trouble with both France and England, and struggling to keep the new government going. However, I am sure all patriotic Americans remember and pay tribute to the fighting men of those days too.
The accompanying illustrations are evidence that Fostoria has not forgotten its veterans.
Mention should be made of the emblems for all of the military organizations and the auxiliary units, which are mounted at the base and in front of the speakers platform at Fountain Cemetery, shown in one of the photos.
I was unaware of them. The emblems represent Revolutionary War, War of 1812, GAR, USWV, World War I, World War II, Korean War, VFW, American Legion, USA Veterans of World War, DAR Women’s Relief Corps, Gertrude Poland Auxiliary WSWV, Ladies Auxiliary VFW, American Legion Auxiliary, Military Order of Cooties VFW and Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War.
When Veterans Day is observed this year it seems especially important to remember that peace and justice are more easily maintained through strength.. . a quality which has been overlooked or downgraded in recent years.
Strength calls for farsightedness, preparedness, patriotism…and solidarity amount our people, another characteristic so prevalent in days gone by, but weakened by the divisiveness of liberal forces in our midst.
At this time, let us honor those both living and dead who have defended this nation by taking another good look at the principles set forth by our founding fathers when they established this country.
Let us all review the Pledge of Allegiance…to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Let us again teach our young people to sing “America”, “The Star Spangled Banner”, and “God Bless America”.
Let us call on God to forgive our national sins and heal our land.
It’s time to put into practice what this nation stands for.. by word, action and deed…and let’s do it in remembrance of those veterans of all wars who did their part ot protect this country and preserve freedom.
Veterans Day is Nov. 11, but during that entire week, Ernie Duffield will display in the window at the Music Center all of the trophies won by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Band, which won for 10 national championships.
Enough credit has not been given to the untiring efforts of a group of area musicians who comprised that band many years ago, and to Richard Downs, deceased, who gave so generously of his time and talent, as director.
This display of trophies provides Fostorians another opportunity to see them after many years, and for once all together. It is a tribute to a great band and to the VFW.