March 20, 1980

Changes in Fostoria have taken place gradually, and photographing those changes hasn’t always been faithfully practiced. Sometimes I get frustrated in trying to find a picture to help readers visualize my explanation of the changes of past years, but I am thankful for those which have been preserved and made available. Ray Dell, Jim Rowles and the library have been helpful.
Today’s article. still pertaining to the north side of East Tiffin Street, starts at the first alley east of Main. Photo No. 1 shows that area as it is today. There once was a frame building, demolished in 1962, where Bob’s Barber Shop is now. It was owned by the Cadwallader Co. Photo No. 2 shows that old building in the latter part of the 19th century. The building referred to is in the right portion of the photo. The sign on the building, shown in the photo, read: William Baum. He and John T. Fritcher had a saloon there at the time. Baum also ran the American House Hotel across the street, where the Masonic Temple is now. In the left portion of the photo is shown the location of the office of A. Ebersole, Veterinarian Surgeon. That would be “122A” now vacant.
The delivery wagon in the photo belonged to Weaver Dry Goods Store, one of Fostoria’s prominent stores.
The old building in the right of Photo No. 2 had many tenants through the latter part of the last century and early part of this one, some of which are in the list at the end of today’s story. Not mentioned is the bakery that was there before the building was demolished. Calmer Wade had a bakery in about 1920, and later Sherlie Ann.
Photo No. 1 shows other buildings which have been in existence since the latter part of the 19th century. The one on the left is the location where Dillon Auto Parts recently closed its store.
Don Dillon, deceased, started an auto parts store there many years ago. After quitting that business in about 1941 he leased the building to Dwight Hazeltine for Buckeye Auto Parts, as the accompanying Photo No. 3 indicates. Buckeye acquired its present location on West South Street in the early 1950s. When Buckeye left Tiffin Street, Dillon reactivated his business there, later selling the business, but it continued under his name.
Before the turn of the century, the building was used as livery stable by several others. Photo No. 4 shows it when it was known as R.E. Smith’s Livery Barn. Smith came to Fostoria in 1879 and established a hack line. A hack was a horse-drawn carriage that resembled a stagecoach, with the driver sitting up front in an elevated seat. According to historical accounts, Smith started with one hack and finally had seven; and he had a
fine livery business with horse and buggies for hire. He boasted the only tallyho (pleasure coach) in the county. Smith at one time lived at 230 E. Tiffin.
Back in those days a horse and buggy was rented to take the family to a ride around town or in the countryside on Sundays and holidays. It was also a popular way for young men to court sweethearts.
In my boyhood I remember how the hacks met all of the passenger trains, taking traveling men from the train station to their hotel, and from the hotels to the places where they made calls.
In later years the Smith Livery Barn was owned by F.J. Miller, who then sold it to Frank Kelley Jr., father of Dick and Frank Jr., both deceased. As far as I know the last livery stable in that building was owned by Duffy Bros., Eli “Squire”, and Tom, and was so listed in the 1915 directory.
The last building in Photo No. 1 shows the location of the High School’s Auto Mechanics School. In the days when this town had three electric interurban lines, generally called “streetcar,” that building was the car-barn for the TTFE (Tiffin, Fostoria and Eastern) and TF&F (Toledo, Fostoria, and Findlay). A limited number of cars could be stored overnight in the building, and it also served as a freight station…lots of freight being handled by the electric lines then. As yet I have not found a picture of the old car-barn, but older Fostorians remember it.
The large, white frame house, shown in Photo No. 5 has served as a residence and place of business through the years. It must be nearing 75 to 100 years old, still in fine shape.
For many years it was Dr. N.C. Miller’s office and his residence. When both Dr. and Mrs. Miller had died, their daughter, Ada, lived in the upstairs and Kinn & Theobald occupied the first floor. Since Kinn & Theobald have moved into their new location on North Main Street, the building is occupied on the first floor by Jody’s Pincushion and the second floor by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peter. The property is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Margraf, living at 150, next door.
YEAR 1915
126–Dr. W.O. Longfellow (veterinarian)
128–Duffy Bros. Livery Stable
144–Dr. N.C. Miller (office and residence)
YEAR 1930
126–Dr. W.O. Longfellow & Whilhelm (vets)
136–Brown & Minor Car Wash
140–Herbert Shook Co.
Oakland and Pontiac Sales
142–Sterling Motor sales
Studebaker and Erskine
144–Dr. N.C. Miller (office and residence)
YEAR 1950
138-140–Buckeye Auto Parts
142–No listing
144–M.H. Karmasin, dentist
146–W.F. Yarris, physician
(Continued next week)