July 16, 1981

Picture #1 – Daniel McCarthy house, 133 W. Tiffin St. from earlier era. Present site of Ohio Savings & Loan.

The POTLUCK column for May 14, 1981 presented the story about The Ohio Savings & Loan history. At that time, as well as earlier, I asked many Fostorians if they knew the whereabouts of a photo of the Daniel McCarthy home at 133 W. Tiffin St., since that house occupied the site where the present Ohio Savings was eventually built.

At one time, Duanne and Wanda Harrold lived in part of the McCarthy house, but even Wanda didn’t know where there was a photo. They Ray Burson family also lived there at one time.

Mr. McCarthy died July 27, 1940, and his wife Nettie on February 8, 1967, and both are buried in Fountain Cemetery.

Dan McCarthy was well known, and distinguished appearing. He was a salesman, and a member of The United Commercial Travelers, also the Masonic Lodge. He lived in the house in today’s featured photo many years.


A belated replay was received from Mrs. Mildred (Mickey) Hutchinson. I had written both her and her brother Richard Mickey, both of whom had been active in the local Presbyterian church many years ago. They now live in New York, she writes:

Many Fostorians will remember Mrs. Hutchinson, since she was a teacher in the high school and later had an insurance agency here.

“Dear Paul; My brother has been very ill since December. He is better now but not able to do much. A few days ago he gave me your letter and asked me to write you. I was very glad to hear about the church’s anniversary.”

“That church meant much to me as I was growing up and during the years I lived in Fostoria, teaching and selling insurance. I always loved it. I think I joined the church about 1912 when I was 12. I am still a good Presbyterian, a member of the Gilead church and a regular attendant.”

“I believe Rev. Martin was pastor when I joined and I remember him and Rev. Pires fondly. I went to Sunday school regularly and was still young when I started staying for church.”

“The music meant much to me, especially in my high school days. And I went most weeks with my mother to the prayer meeting. I liked that too, though I’m sure few youngsters would want to go today.”

“My best friends in high school were members of the Sunday school class. Several of the little group of seven or eight became my best friends…Clara Allen, Thelma Gray, Lucile Mahony.”

“I wish I could have attended the anniversary. Dick was glad to hear from you and sends his greetings.” Mildred Mickey Hutchinson


“Dear Paul: I’ve received yours of the 22nd. Thank you for the note. The headline and little story in Potluck are very impressive. It was kind of you to give me so much attention. No one here can understand why I’m so big in Fostoria.”

“I’m in touch with John and Freda Gorsuch of Denver. He is a prominent attorney and a distant cousin. His daughter-in-law, Ann McGill Gorsuch is the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency. She has got to be the best known Gorsuch.”

“Yes, you did tell me about the book about David Risdon. I would like to receive a notice of its availability. Perhaps I can learn something.” Warmest regards, G.E. Gorsuch


Those articles were well received locally, and two letters received from out- of-towners, one being from Jessie Mae Noritake, Oak Ridge, Tenn., granddaughter of Jessie (Foster) Myers, and niece of Annie Foster.

The other one was from Grace Toy Davidson, former Fostorian, now living in Cleveland.

No one in Fostoria had a photo of Ella Ickes Robbins, a librarian at McClean Library. Corrine Speck, a regular POTLUCK reader thought Mrs. Davidson, a niece of Robbins, might have a photo. Here is the reply from Davidson’s granddaughter, who handles here correspondence.

“Dear Mr. Krupp: My grandmother, has made a thorough search for a photo of her aunt Ella Ickes Robbins, and regrets that she could not locate a copy. She remembers that a particularly good photo, one of the last she had taken, was made by I. W. Dicken of Perry street. Even though they may be out of business at this point in time, it might be possible to locate the negative.”

“Thank you for the interesting article, she says, and asks that you would send any others about Fostoria, as she is most interested in her birthplace (Aug. 16, 1887) and its history. Thanks so much.” Dody Terry (for Mrs. Davidson)


Raymond Fleischman one of the regular POTLUCK readers, recently showed me a booklet, titled “Favorite Songs of The Boys in Blue,” published complimentary by The Big Four Railroad in 1898, honoring members of The Grand Army of The Republic, who were holding their 32nd annual encampment in Cincinnati.

The booklet contained 27 popular songs which were sung back then, such as “Tramp, Tramp,” “Rally Round the Flag,” “Marching Through Georgia,” “When Johnny Comes Marching Home,” “John Brown,” “Star Spangled Banner,” “Red, White and Blue,” “Battle Hymn of The Republic,” “Tenting on the Old Camp Ground.”

None, but older readers will remember those songs.

The booklet cover touted The Big Four as “The best route to Cincinnati” for the encampment.

The Big Four was the railroad which ran through Fostoria at a time when five railroad lines came through here. Later it became The New York Central, and finally The Penn Central before operation was suspended. I rode it many times years ago. In Cincinnati, connections could be made for many points in the South.


Like other articles about the “uptown” district, the Center to Tiffin street series proved popular…both the photos and text. Incidentally, I forgot to give credit to Ray Dell for furnishing most of the photos used with the series. I know you enjoy the old photos and that they stir many memories of past eras of our town.


There were two disappointed readers when the first installment of the Main street story appeared…they wre Marilyn (Snyder) Ziegman and her sister Joan Gillig.

Their parents Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder had owned the Chatterbox at one time, and the whole family, including the girls and brother Richard participated in operating it, each contributing their skill.

I did not remember that historical data at all, and they owned it a relatively short period of time, therefore their ownership did not appear in directories available at the library.

A telephone call from Marilyn shortly after article publication informed me of my omission and later Joan gave me other details to bring the ownership record up-to-date. Here it is:

The Snyders purchased the Golden Pheasant from Joe Corl in December 1944, re- naming it The Chatterbox and kept it until the fall of 1945, at which time they sold it to Ed and Jo Covrett, who had it about one year, disposing of it in the fall of 1946 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beltz, who kept it only about six weeks, selling it to Ralph and Harold Cockrell who were mentioned in the first installment.

The Snyders sold it because their son Richard was ushered into military service and he was depended upon heavily at the store…making the ice cream and mixing the syrups for sodas, plus many other duties.